Best Three houses with simple decor and neutral color palette
Sometimes it's hard to find inspiration for the simple interior design. When working with a color palette limited or mobile escort theme, each element makes a great impression - a small detail can make or break the design. This post explores three modern houses with neutral colors and streamlined furnishings, each with a different approach. The first inside is soft and sophisticated with subtle industrial issues, the second has a bold impact with high-contrast tones, and the third house feels softer and more decorative. Each one is worth admire!
This aerodynamic extension belongs to a modern house a bedroom in Tenczynek, Poland, near Krakow. While the decor themes are all simple, unique architectural features definitely catch the eye around every turn. The arrangement of the furniture focuses on gathering with friends and family. Notice how television is present but is not anchoring the hall - in fact, is set completely away from the arrangement of seats. industrial elements bring urban character in the decorative motif otherwise dominated wood. metal lighting, structural concrete panels and linear furniture prevent the room from looking too rustic or cottage-like. design themes remain unified throughout the house. Here's a look at the kitchen, recessed in its own private bay. Wooden floors in transition towards glossy white tiles, the entire heated room richly grained timber in strategic places. This breakfast bar is particularly interesting. On the one hand it extends the kitchen work area with its shiny surface, a great place to work with the ingredients that could stain the wooden ceilings. Structure occupy the ground floor. The bedroom and the office takes the high ground. Without access to the windows, columns wire racks play an important role, allowing light to penetrate into the stairwell. What a beautiful bedroom! white furniture stands out against the black background shell egg-structured, simple but attractive. Copper accents maximize the sense of luxury and capture the light wherever they can. A large mirror also extends the effect of a single window of the room. The console table makes a wonderful full vanity with a simple slide leg stool. More copper decorations continue the sophisticated theme. The other side of the room has a distinctive wardrobe, the upper and lower parts closed with the central units that serve as large open shelves. intelligent backlight draws the eye to the inside decorations. Simple and beautiful, the office has a lot of space to accommodate both the computer-based work and tasks pen and paper. An exposed brick wall gives a warm tone and geometric prints bring the decor up-to-date. Another brick wall distressed caps off the other side of the room. The comfortable meeting area lies next to a distinctive set of shelves with lots of reference material and books to read during work breaks. And, finally, the first home tour ends with a look at the bright and friendly bathroom. tiled stairs lead to the enviable soak tub, perfectly positioned to enjoy a beautiful view from the window. This house is located in Krakow correct. Its modern interiors, high-contrast adopts an aesthetic much more severe, almost minimalist in its focus. Black and white are the foundation of the combination of colors, but gray and brown bran help soften the look. linear forms guide the eye along the length of the residence contract layout and open kitchen. strong horizontal elements echo the same room, with the press concentrated in diagonal and the lamp that serves as a subtle focal point. bright white surfaces help lengthen the effect of the single window near the end of the room. Inside a dark interior, the kitchen areas and dining room would feel robbed of their brightness. are
Private rooms in the portion of the house that hides behind the curve from the kitchen. Here, wooden floors and white walls transition to a solid range of warm gray. The bedroom decor presents an aesthetic warmer with more low-toned neutrals. It 'simple, sparely furnished, and makes good use of her tight layout. dramatic black marble becomes definitely the bed in an incredible focal point. thin mirrors delimit the plate on both sides, definitely amplifying the effect of the beat lights that hang in the foreground. The same black marble recurs as the bathroom floor, with bright Carrara on the walls. Brilliant as these materials are really, it is the surprising dashboard of wood that serves as the primary reference point. - 22 |
- Visualizer: Agnieszka Graczykowska
Designed for a young and growing family, this 150 square meter house has a softer appearance than the previous space. It introduces more neutral variation - a wide range of the spectrum grayscale as well as various light and dark wood choices. The ground floor downstairs is the first open place, but every functional area feels unique thanks to the creative layout staggered. While the show focuses on drawing to scale of grays, the dining room is all natural wood tones. A wide strip of black paint visually separates the two spaces. It 'hard to go wrong with the classics. The themed animal prints are the work of Pablo Picasso, and the chairs are the series of Hans Wegner Wishbone. Line of sight persists from the kitchen to the dining room to the living room. This makes it easier for residents to stay in constant contact with guests while entertaining. An attractive combination of textures makes the cuisine unique despite its simplicity. grain smooth wood, composite stone countertops, and raw white walls housewife but modern atmosphere. Upstairs, the bedroom feels more expressive than the public areas on the ground floor. geometric decoration feels modern, while mobile low profile keeps things casual. stratification plays a huge role in the decoration. lights of the various pendant, a mountain of plush pillows, an art deal and mirrors ... it feels like home. And finally, a look at the adorable little nursery - it's hard not to love sleepy eyes over the crib.